Friday, May 13, 2011

Take religion out of it

I absolutely agree with Tommy on Texas that religion should be left out of our laws.  Making laws based on religious text or doctrine encourages intolerance and hatred, and is, of course, unconstitutional.  Christians in this state have no business pushing their values onto their constituents.  If the tables were turned, and other religions forced their values upon Christians, the cry of "foul" would be heard across the state.   I also agree that family planning is essential and it is a shame that funding for these services, and other women's health services through Planned Parenthood have been cut.

However, I have to disagree that "Whatever your personal beliefs are about when life begins, supporting the bills that are being introduced across the country to cut funding to Planned Parenthood are saying that women are incapable of making the right choice. "  

This isn't about women choosing abortion/no abortion.  That choice making was already done, at the time of unprotected sex.  Women are perfectly capable of  making safe choices for their bodies, which would include protected sex. It is,however, critical that men and women both have information available to them (from PP, or other agencies) to make the right choice before engaging in sexual acts.  That funding is urgently needed.  PP needs to be funded to provide those services.

Taking religion out of this, the fact is that NOBODY can say when life starts.  Until science can definitively prove when a life is a life, then I feel is is prudent to err on the side of caution.  I feel that the non-medically necessary abortion is not a religious dilemma, but a violation of human rights.  And based on that,  I don't think Planned Parenthood should have tax dollars to provide non-medically necessary abortions.  Again, this isn't about women and their right to choose, or how Jesus feels about abortion.  It is about the fact that all human beings have the same rights, no matter how old or how young.  The most vulnerable of our society need protection.

If Planned Parenthood really wanted to be available to help women with contraception, family planning and health care, they would completely separate those services from the abortions they provide.  The controversial service they offer would be a separate entity from the health care services they offer. Funding could be provided for the family planning and health care aspects of what they do,and no money provided for abortions.