Saturday, April 16, 2011

A blind eye towards equal rights

While reading Tommy's blog post from April 1st, I felt frustrated for him.  I felt frustrated that a state government can choose to ignore the ruling of the federal Supreme Court, and the federal government turns a blind eye to the fact that these illegal laws are still on our books.  And I feel frustrated that it appears that nothing will be done in this legislative session to end discrimination against same-sex couples.  

The Supreme Court was very clear in their ruling.  "Justice Stevens concluded that (1) the fact a State’s governing majority has traditionally viewed a particular practice as immoral is not a sufficient reason for upholding a law prohibiting the practice, and (2) individual decisions concerning the intimacies of physical relationships, even when not intended to produce offspring, are a form of “liberty” protected by due process." (

So why is this still an issue?  This seems to be primarily a problem for religious folks who want to keep our great state "moral".  I usually see the Christian crowd fighting against equal rights for gays, which leads to my next question:  What happened to the separation of church and state?  How is it that one religious group can force their doctrine into our laws, and keep it there in spite of the above ruling?  And on a larger scale, how would these Christians react if another religious group became the governing majority in this country and began forcing their doctrine into our laws?

The hypocrisy is obvious.  The laws are antiquated and demeaning.  And not to mention in direct conflict with federal law.  I agree, Tommy.  Equal rights always prevail.

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